Hi There 👋

I’ve always loved asking ‘how?’ and ‘why?’ Since starting my journey as a data scientist, I’ve been able to answer ‘how?’ by developing tools to support my teammates, while answering ‘why?’ with analyses to support data driven decision making. I’m looking for a position where I can build a career using my skills to help my team and conduct meaningful analyses that inform business decisions and contribute to achieving company goals.
If you want to learn more about me, feel free to poke around my site or contact me directly. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Fosstodon @guslipkin or on Medium also @guslipkin. In addition, all my personal projects are public on GitHub.
Selected Projects
- What: A climbing gym directory made in R Shiny.
- Why: I wanted to know which gyms near me had which Standardized Interactive Climbing Training Board and there was no easy way to find that information already.
- How:
R: {shiny, bs4Dash, leaflet, DT}
- Conclusion: Check it out at climbwith.info!
- What: That’s up to you!
- Why: I have a lot to offer you and your company in a variety of fields.
- How: If you’d like to work with me but, you’re not sure where I might fit in, this page and my résumé are a great place to start
- Conclusion: It’s time to contact me and get the ball rolling!
R Packages
- What: An R library for simple text ciphers.
- Why: I needed a Caesar Shift for an Advent of Code puzzle and got a bit carried away!
- How:
- Conclusion: Check it out on CRAN or watch me present it!
Programming Puzzles
Advent of Code
- What: A series of programming puzzles to help save Christmas.
- Why: Christmas must be saved! But also, it’s a lot of fun and requires a variety of different solution styles.
- How:
R: {
, *puzzle dependent* }
- Conclusion: I highly recommend joining if you like a good challenge.
- What: Help me (or you!) out a bit with Advent of Code.
- Why: A lot of puzzles are very similar and you can get ahead of the competition by building general solutions.
- How:
R: {tidyverse, data.table, R6, and more!}
- Conclusion: Development is difficult, but I’m proud of it and it’s super useful
Data Focused Projects
Disney World Ride Wait Times
- What: Can I find the best time to visit Disney World 🏰 based on ride wait times?
- Why: Going to Disney can be lots of fun, but waiting in lines is not.
- How:
R: {forcats, lubridate, reshape2, tidyverse}
- Conclusion: Try going to Epcot on a Wednesday in September.
Investigating a relationship between climate variables and the spread of COVID-19
- What: Since COVID-19 🦠 is spread through close contact, do any climate variables influence spread?
- Why: Human behavior is affected by the weather. If there is adverse weather, is there an increase in spread?
- How:
,R: {data.table, tidyverse}
- Conclusion: Some counties can be modelled very well such as Cook County, Illinois while others, such as Tift County, Georgia, not so much.
Economic Analysis Focused Projects
Improving Tutoring at Florida Poly
- What: How can we make tutoring more available to students?
- Why: Getting tutoring for the classes you need can be difficult, especially when trying to fit it into your schedule.
- How:
- Conclusion: A hybrid model where high demand classes offer group tutoring and all classes have one-on-one tutoring would be most efficient.
Trader Joe’s Cultural and Marketing Plan
- What: Let’s help Trader Joe’s enter the Canadian supermarket industry.
- Why: It’s a final project for GEB 3373 – International and Comparative Dimensions of Business.
- How:
Economic Analysis
andGame Theory
- Conclusion: Trader Joe’s has the potential to be a smash hit in the Canadian Supermarket industry.
Other Projects
Gus’ Good Spreadsheet Guide
- What: A slideshow with guidelines for high quality spreadsheets
- Why: Sometimes people ask for help with spreadsheets and it’s easier to help with consistent design
- How:
Microsoft PowerPoint
- Conclusion: While it is by no means exhaustive, it’s a good start and I hope someone finds it useful
Cat Simulator 2019
- What: Can we make a game that teaches basic Bash commands?
- Why: It’s a final project for COP 3353C – Introduction to Unix.
- How:
- Conclusion: It’s lots of fun. I highly recommend it!